Tracy Williams advises clients on compliance with federal and state environmental laws, with an emphasis on site remediation, transactions, and worker safety.
J.D., University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado
B.A., University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington
- Best Lawyers: Ones To Watch,” a Best Lawyers® publication, recognition in Environmental Law (2024)
- 2023 Washington Super Lawyers
- American Bar Association
- Membership and Inclusion Officer (2024-2025)
- Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources (SEER) Council Member (2021 – present)
- Vice Chair of Membership for the Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, SEER (2017-2021)
- Chair of the Pro Bono Task Force, SEER (2021-2023)
- Chair of the Bridge Program, SEER (2022-2023)
- Washington State Bar Association
- Environmental and Land Use Law Section (2006-present)
- Court Rules and Procedures Committee (2015-2017)
- King County Bar Association
- Chair, Environmental and Land Use Section (2012-2013)
- Vice Chair, Environmental and Land Use Section (2011-2012)
- CLE Chair, Environmental and Land Use Section (2009-2011)
- Oregon State Bar Association
- Environmental & Natural Resources Section (2019 – present)
- Colorado Bar Association
- Environmental Law Section
- Sam Cary Bar Association
- National Association of Women Lawyers, Environment and Energy Law (2017-present)
- Washington Women Lawyers (2017-2022)
- Women in Environment (2011-present)
- Commercial Real Estate Women (2013-2016)
- Sustainable Seattle Board (2012-2016)
State Bar Licenses
Washington, Oregon, Colorado
Court Admissions
U.S. District Ct., W.D. of Washington
- Representing the owners of properties contaminated by dry cleaning operations in MTCA actions.
- Representing the owner of industrial property contaminated by neighboring dry cleaner in MTCA action.
- Representing the owners of properties contaminated by former service station operations in MTCA actions.
- Negotiating resolution of CWA citizen suit on behalf of a former shipyard.
- Negotiating resolution of CWA citizen suit on behalf of a wood treatment facility.
- Securing coverage for clients facing environmental liabilities related to both the federal and state Superfund acts.
- Assisting clients in finding insurance recovery for historic environmental liabilities under old CGL policies.
- Reviewing Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessment reports and providing advice to clients purchasing commercial properties.
- Negotiating environmental indemnification agreement for client selling residential property.
- Assisting an industrial gases company with a Washington Division of Occupational Safety and Health appeal alleging Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act violations.
- Assisting large technology company with review of internal health and safety standards.
- Assisting large technology company with understanding regional COVID-19 regulations.