Robin D. Ferriby
Robin D. Ferriby assists foundations and nonprofits on a variety of governance, grant-making, and charitable gift matters, and counsels individuals, families, and businesses on charitable giving and estate planning strategies and techniques.
Center on Community Philanthropy at the University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service, 2017 Distinguished Scholar in Residence
Fellow of the Michigan State Bar Foundation
State Bar of Michigan, Probate and Estate Planning Section, Taxation Section, Business Law Section, Master Lawyers Section
Financial and Estate Planning Council of Metropolitan Detroit
Planned Giving Roundtable for Southeast Michigan
National Association of Charitable Gift Planners
Michigan State University Alumni Association
Ohio State University Alumni Association
National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Oaks Chapter of the Michigan Society
Detroit Athletic Club, Past Member
Detroit Symphony Orchestra Planned Giving Council
Detroit Institute of Arts, Tannahill Estate Planning Council
Legal/Financial Network, Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan
Impact Investing Committee for the Council of Michigan Foundations
Michigan Nonprofit Council for Charitable Trusts
Margaret Dunning Foundation, Director and Secretary
Advancement Network, Past President