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Clark Hill Attorney Molly DiBianca Quoted in MulitBriefs Exclusive

August 19, 2020

Clark Hill Labor & Employment attorney Molly DiBianca was recently quoted in MulitBriefs Exclusive. The article, “How Far Can Employers Go with COVID-19 Testing?” says that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has issued guidelines on COVID-19 testing in the workplace which contain guidelines and parameters. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits mandatory medical tests of employees except for when the testing is “job related and consistent with business necessity.”

“For all employers, regardless of size, viral testing for COVID-19 is permissible, provided it is job related,” DiBianca said.

Read the full article and DiBianca’s comments here.

DiBianca maintains a legal practice consisting of equal parts litigation and client counseling. She represents employers in a variety of industries in employment-rights claims, discrimination matters, and equal employment disputes at the state and federal court levels.

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