Smoothing the Transition or Continued Delays? A FERC Update
Spurred primarily by the dramatic growth in renewable energy and battery storage, FERC is exploring ways to update its interconnection policies.
Learn about the latest developments with leaders in the field, including a short presentation on FERC’s proposed rulemaking, Improvements to Generator Interconnection Procedures and Agreements by Joe Donovan, Member, Clark Hill.
A panel discussion of other developments will follow with topics including:
- Implications of FERC’s recent regional transmission planning rulemaking on interconnection issues;
- PJM’s proposed interconnection reforms;
- And more!
Moderated by Dan Simon, Member, Clark Hill
Panelists include Rob Gramlich, President, Grid Strategies LLC, Gizelle Wray, Director of Regulated Markets, Savion, and Gabe Tabak, Counsel, American Clean Power Association