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Clark Hill THRIVE

Clark Hill THRIVE emphasizes the value of multiculturalism to the firm, the legal profession and the global business community. Through our emphasis on inclusion, we enable our individual lawyers and the firm overall to thrive in a competitive marketplace and a demanding profession. By incorporating different perspectives into the very foundation of our firm and the services we provide, we provide stronger and wiser advice to our friends and clientele.


Clark Hill recruits talented law students and lateral associates and partners regardless of ethnicity. We also strive to increase the number of minority lawyers and professionals in all of our offices. To promote this goal, a member of our Diversity and Inclusion Committee always has a seat on our Recruiting Committee.

We regularly participate in minority recruiting events nationwide, such as the recent Cook County Bar Association Minority Job Fair and the National Black Law Students Association Midwestern Recruitment Conference, and conduct ongoing, focused lateral hiring efforts. As further example, our attorneys regularly receive interview invitations during the Texas Minority Counsel Program, which provides the opportunity for our lawyers to interact with in-house counsel from diverse ethnicities and backgrounds.


A group of seasoned, multicultural lawyers with successful legal practices leads ClarkHill THRIVE. This team truly understands the struggle to remain authentic to oneself and one’s history while navigating a traditionally homogeneous environment. Together, these partners and firm leaders proactively counsel lawyers of all experience levels.

Among other responsibilities, our ClarkHill THRIVE leadership team develops and promotes firm-wide policies and programs (including partnership-track mentoring) that fuel the upward momentum of ethnically diverse associates, senior counsel and partners. For Clark Hill to succeed as an organization and in the broader marketplace, THRIVE must continue to serve as an incubator for new leaders of all backgrounds.


Clients hire lawyers they trust, not individuals who look and think exactly like them. Genuinely collaborative connections are built when values and goals are shared, when respect flows between client and lawyer, and when the right skills meet the right task.

ClarkHill THRIVE allows our multicultural attorneys a strategic platform to identify and pursue partnerships and opportunities that were previously unavailable. In so doing, we create and support pipelines that promote professional growth and foster enduring client relationships.