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American Ground Water Trust Conference

February 13, 2020

Steven Hoch, Of Counsel, will be presenting on a panel at the annual American Ground Water Association | American Ground Water Trust Conference on February 20. The session is titled, “Groundwater and the Clean Water Act” and will cover the US Supreme Court’s decision on County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund and the implications on the Clean Water Act for wastewater utilities. For more information, click here.

Hoch has more than 40 years of experience with both federal and state environmental laws and regulations in the context of permitting, regulatory proceedings, litigation, enforcement actions, water supply, public policy formation, and advice. His work includes contamination of land and ground and surface water. Hoch has critical experience in the areas of environmental law and the federal and state Safe Drinking Water Acts, Title 23, water supply, and the mechanics of water distribution. His experience also extends to groundwater modeling and water quality testing. He also has significant experience in hazardous substances and waste handling practices, remediation, soil erosion, and claims of toxic exposures.

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